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Roll the Dice, or Call Us!!!

Attention Property Owners and Contractors:

In Ontario, locating telecommunication service wires is risky business. Rogers and Bell won't mark these essential cables, leaving you vulnerable to sudden disruptions in phone and internet service.

Did you know Rogers and Bell refuse to mark service wires? They'll give you a "CLEAR" report, only to fix any damage after your contractor accidentally hits them. But what if you rely on home-based work or you don’t want to deal with unreasonable children when they cannot communicate with their friends or their screens?

Contractors, protect your clients: Call us to mark these service wires and prevent internet outages while you wait for repairs.

Imagine: diligently working on a property, only to find unmarked service wires lurking underground, ready to disrupt your business with a single cut. These pictures show what happened to a homeowner while working from home. We received a panicked call after a pavement contractor ripped up all the services wires located just under the asphalt to a 4-unit apartment house. It took the service provider 2 days to respond and restore Internet service to this property. We spoke to the pavement contractor as well and reviewed their locates. The locate reports were valid and they were clear to dig.

For homeowners with contractors working on-site, even with Ontario One Call locates, your internet is still at risk. Don't gamble with connectivity—hire Premier Locates to ensure your service wires are marked.

The Risks: Contractors face costly delays and reputational damage; small business owners risk severe consequences. Can your business afford days without internet due to a cut wire? Did you know that small businesses such as gas stations and convenience stores only have small service wires servicing them. Consider the consequence of that business not being able to charge their customers. Who carries cash anymore?

The True Cost: Telcos claim marking small wires is too expensive. But the real cost lies in disrupted services and ensuing headaches for contractors and property owners.

Take Charge of Your Connectivity: Premier Locates specializes in locating and marking small service wires. Don't leave your connectivity to chance—let us help you avoid the gamble.

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